Edizioni Clichy

For the Florentine publisher Clichy, translation from French to Italian of the following books: Sesso. Senza tabù. Senza complessi (Sexe : mes premiers pas sans tabou ni complexe, Emma Strack, Benjamin Chaud), 2024 Dizionario Frankenstein (Dictionnaire Frankenstein, Claude Aziza), 2019 Perché Sherlock si chiama Sherlock. Origine e misteri dei nomi dei nostri eroi (Pourquoi Sherlock […]

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Barbès Editore

For the former Florentine publisher Barbès, translation from French to Italian of the following books: Tre storie (Le Guerrier appliqué, Lalie, La Guérison sévère, Jean Paulhan), 2012 Il caffè di Yllka (Le Café d’Yllka, Cécile Oumhani), 2010 […]

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Arabpop. Rivista di arti e letterature arabe contemporanee n. 3 “Mare / بحر” (November 2022): The Illusion of Sea (وهم البحر), Mahmoud Hosny, translated from Arabic into Italian Arabpop. Rivista di arti e letterature arabe contemporanee n. 5 “Festa / حفلة” (December 2023): “Les trois vies du B018, le club souterrain le plus culte de […]

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Les Editions Lunii

For the French publishing house Les Editions Lunii, translation of audio stories for children aged 3 to 8 years old. Audiobooks translated from English to Italian : Scappa da Scar (Escape from Scar, Lunii/Disney), 2022 Scappa da Crudelia (Escape from Cruellia, Lunii/Disney), 2022 Audiobooks translated from French to Italian : Il richiamo di Acquaria (L’Appel […]

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