Orient XXI Italia

Translation from French and Arabic into Italian of articles and editorials focused on the Arab world and societies taken from the French online magazine Orient XXI. “Il terribile viaggio di Mahdi, un migrante afghano” (16/01/2023) “Giovani che annegano nel Nilo lontano dai riflettori di Sharm el-Sheikh” (22/11/2022) “Il Kurdistan iracheno diviso e in un vicolo […]

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Translation and summarization into Italian of opinion pieces taken from the Arabic press >Echi dalla stampa araba (Echoes from the Arabic Press) […]

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For Arabpress, a media website covering the Arab world, translation from Arabic to Italian of news pieces and opinion articles digested from the Arab international press such as Al-Qods, Al-Araby al-Jadeed, Al-Arab, Al-Modon, Al-Ghad. Translated articles: ”La resistenza digitale spoglia l’arabo dei punti diacritici per eludere gli algoritmi dei social e aggirare il divieto di […]

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